There are two kids in my class who have better reading, writing comprehension skills that half the class, which should make them “above-average” in conventional sense. Both have a problem – attitude. Their parents tell me they were the toppers of the yesteryear. I had given C-D grades to them during the 1st term exam and the parents were very upset. I didn’t know the kids this well back then and thought them to be just normal kids. As the parents coming barging in with complaints and pointing fingers at me, I was taken aback thinking I was perhaps not seeing them as to what they are capable of doing. I was apprehensive of meeting their parents thinking that it was my fault. Perhaps I have made a bad evaluation of their papers. I was just three months into being a teacher.

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I started this blog to document whatever I do through the two years of my TFI Fellowship, for the benefit of coming back after the two years and make an analysis, of what is what, and get a better understanding. It has been 6 good months since I last wrote and 5 tough months since I joined the fellowship. I have been learning a lot all this time and was kept busy in trying to figure things out, just to stay alive and go to school everyday. The journey has been tough and rarely have time to write mails. I skip taking phone calls other than the most important, because that has become a luxury that I cannot afford. Blogging, a fantasy to me.

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இந்த கதை என்னுடைய கதை அல்ல, சிறுவயதில் “Solidaire” தொலைக்காட்சி பெட்டியில், “DD1” ஒளிபரப்பிய பொழுது பார்த்தது. யாரிடமாவது சொல்ல வேண்டும் போல இருந்தது. இந்த வலைதலம்தான் செவிசாய்த்தது.

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Trains journeys are quirky, just like India. I happened to meet a bank official of a nationalized bank in the last journey. He talked about a lot of things from UPSC exams to anger management, credits to my other co-passenger. If one wants to understand the status of economy, among the many people to meet should be a bank official. The following accounts from him tell a general tale of how India is today.

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India doesn’t need a definition for this word, still I like to include it for the sake of coherency. Making someone morally depraved. That strikes me most. Corruption is not specific to the people in position and power to act, it has become a character of the society. I was shocked when my mother said she demanded money in order to vote. The thing which seemed to be on the streets is finally at home. I wouldn’t take this as a indicator of how my parent has become corrupted and make the mistake of missing forest for the trees. It is an indicator of how the society, which had a name for truth and integrity, has come to a state where corruption is not recognized, even when present in its purest form. On what stand the society expects to see just use of power, from the most powerful in the country, when a housewife with merely a vote in millions, could misuse it for extortion? Laughable.

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I have been wanting to write about my nostalgia for the rural life. At any given day I would identify myself as a rural kid who loves simple things than a urban youth yearning for the riches and the conveniences of the city. There are many things that I miss about the laid back life one has in a rural India compared to the fast paced urban life.

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