I Have a Dream Too

I think it is a crime if writers don’t have a dream and blasphemous if they don’t write under the title “I Have a Dream”.

Well, I have a dream too and I am going to write the thing down. I would call this

The Human Dream

I don’t dream a world without illiteracy, poverty, military, nuke, or any big negative shit you might imagine when you hear the phrase “I have a dream”.

I don’t dream a even plane for the world.

I dream of the mountains and the valleys and the vistas they might create.

I dream of deep trenches and high peaks which are dizzying for people and make them puke.

I dream of a colorful world which might be gaudy here, serene there.

I dream of a world I can write what I want without worrying about a reader to satisfy.

I dream of walking into the market, buying things without fear I might be fooled.

I dream of laughing at the jokes I find funny without worrying I might look like a joker.

I dream of telling people to shut the fuck up, when they talk nonsense to me and move on without worrying about offending.

I dream of being a great computer programmer, without being a socialite, a sportsman, an artist, an outstanding student, a handsome youth, a trendy fashion junky, a master bargainer,  Mr.Common Sense all at the same time.

I dream of a world where I can wear tees and three-fourths for ministerial meetings without formal shit glaring at my face. 

I dream of a world where people accept for what others are, accept others are unique and stop normalizing everything.

I dream of a world where a scientist is not mocked for stupid poetry he writes.

I dream of a world where we all stop acting or trying to be smart-asses.

I dream of a world where humans are more human.

I dream of a world where I don’t want a twitter or facebook account to record what I feel and act the other way in real world.

I dream of a world where I can just be myself.

I dream of a world where a dream is not about a new world.

I dream not requiring to dream, ever.